Lobsters Suck!

Only joking - this is what young people call ‘clickbait’ - we actually love lobsters and respect them deeply.

On the other hand, we have absolutely zero respect for the Science Museum.

We’re also only going to get louder and more annoying about this - The Science Museum has lost this fight and they don’t even know it yet - which is lowkey sad.

But if you thought all we did was bang on about how scientific institutions shouldn’t be tainted by the vested interests of fossil fuel and arms companies - you’ve got another thing coming!

Did you know:

While crabs can move in all directions, albeit clumsily, lobsters can only move forwards or backwards. This is because the rings of their exoskeleton that wrap across their back interrupts their soft joints.

ALSO: Lobsters have 20 gills on each side.

There you go, two facts.

Have a clawsome day y’all - and don’t forget to keep boycotting the Science Museum!


Oh, To Be a Crab!


Gummy Worms?