Climate Anxiety - it’s going to be OK


Climate anxiety is a unique issue of our age, and we need to talk about it.

The news can often seem like we are hurtling uncontrollably toward catastrophe, spinning wildly down an increasingly dark and hopeless tunnel in a chasm of despair.

Thankfully that’s not necessarily the case. We have all the means to mitigate the very worst of the climate crisis. Not only this, but there has never been more climate activism than ever before, and from pretty much every section of society, the environment is finally being properly considered.

So much media on our Crab Museum feeds alone is focused on the appallingly striking photographs of burning forests and collapsing ice-sheets - but this eco-doom shouldn’t dishearten the people who are already thinking about it.

It’s not meant for you, it’s the visual hook to get your Grandmother engaged, or to maybe make that weird uncle of yours reconsider buying a new SUV.

We know it’s serious, but so are we. We also know it’s scary, but if we’re open about it, we don’t need to be scared.

As Gandalf says in the 2003 fantasy adventure blockbuster, ‘The Return of the King’, as he surveys a great big beam of spooky green light being shot into the sky by an undead warlord riding a flying lizard.

“So it begins, the great battle of our time”

P.S - don’t be pressured by anyone into shouldering personal blame for the climate crisis, it’s not your fault that you were born into a system that exploits the environment for the personal gain of a few individuals. Those are just the cards you’ve been dealt, all we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.

And remember, the richest 1% are responsible for double the greenhouse gas emissions of the poorest 50%.


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